The Saga Continues


The grab for power at the Senior Citizens Home in Point Fortin continues as tension reached fever pitch on Thursday before for and during the highly anticipated meeting. Several allegations, claims and counterclaims of fraud and theft was made.

Several persons who were not members of the committee but was promised to become members on Thursday which will enable them to vote for a new executive to take control of the home was prohibited from entering the compound. Several prospective members stood outside the compound for more than two hours hoping to get in however, the security guard on duty at the gate was in the precession of a list of names who were authorized to attend the meeting and he stood his ground despite several request from persons outside to let them inside.  One person who was inside the compound alleged to be there on behalf of the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services, however, our source at the Ministry’s Human Resource Department confirmed that the person is not an employee of the Ministry and the claim of being an employee is fraudulent and the Ministry promised to launch an investigation into the claim.  

During the meeting, several outbursts has been heard from the meeting hall almost one-hundred-meters from the road. Despite several calls for order by the members on the head table to no avail the meeting ended abruptly without any resolution.

One of the prospective members made several allegations to southsidenewstt saying some residents of the home are being mistreated by the current management which includes taking their food and pension money.

Southsidenewstt spoke to some residents of the home on Friday and was told that this confusion is being caused by a few persons who are giving us gifts and false promises etc. for our support. While we understand the home management needs to be tightened, the person or persons claiming that they care for us, they can’t be trusted. This fight is all about “Power and Money”, where were these persons before December 2021? because the last foundation member is now dead, all of them now re-surfacing and making allegations.  All of them were here before and left the Board and now suddenly, the same persons who say they so care resurface, why they left in the first place.  Son the real confusion makers here are NB AND THE OLD COPPER THIEF.  I am asking again what the roles of the Politicians and their associates at this home are.

Southsidenewstt can confirm that officials from the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services Ageing Division Unit visited the home on Tuesday 15th February 2022 and found no issues with the books at the home. We reached out to the Minister of Social Development and up to news time there was no response.