Point Fortin Corporation opens nominations for Awards


The Residents of Point Fortin will have an opportunity to nominate persons for this year awards at the Annual Civic Reception and this will be the first in the history of the Point Fortin Borough Corporation that residents are asked to participate in the programme which was launched during Tuesday Statutory meeting.
Speaking to Southsidenewstt following the meeting, The Point Fortin Mayor, Kennedy Richards Jr. said, it is an excellent opportunity for the community to play a role in the nominations of persons for the awards ceremony as this was done only by the Point Fortin Borough Corporation in the past and they are now extending these nominations to the persons in the community. There are several categories of awards including Sport, Culture, Art, Business, Social Work and Education.
The Nomination Form is available at the Point Fortin Corporation to the community and the deadline for submission is July 3, 2020.