PM announces phases for reopening of T&T


In case you missed it, here are the key highlights from today’s Media Conference, hosted by Prime Minister Dr the Hon Keith Rowley:

▪️Dr Rowley announced today that adjustments will be made to the COVID-19 Public Health Ordinance Regulations.

▪️Dr Rowley said the adjustments will take place on a phased basis. Each phase will be determined by the results from the COVID-19 Community testing and monitoring done by the Ministry of Health.

▪️Phase One: Effective May 11th–23rd May 2020

▪️The Stay-at-Home measures for non-essential workers will remain in place with the following exceptions:

▪️Food establishments, restaurants and vendors will be allowed to operate daily until 8 pm. Only takeout, curbside pickup, deliveries and drive-thru will be allowed. All street food businesses will be allowed to resume. No in-house dining allowed.

▪️Members of the public will be allowed to engage in restricted outdoor exercise – that is, no contact or team sporting events.

▪️People will be allowed to walk, hike, run in groups of no more than five. Persons must keep six feet away from each other. Masks must be worn during all outdoor activities.

▪️Hardware, plumbing supplies and electrical stores to operate during the hours of 8 am-4 pm.

▪️Supermarkets to close at 6 pm.

▪️Pharmacies to close 8 pm.

▪️Approval has been granted for three of the country’s major commercial companies to operate. TCL, Nu Iron and WITCO have been allowed to restart operations.

▪️If COVID- 19 numbers remain low, Phase 2 can commence – 24th May – 6th June 2020.

▪️Reopening of the country’s whole manufacturing sector.

▪️All Public Sector Construction can recommence.

▪️50 percent capacity in public transport will continue.

▪️Phase 3 (7th June – 20th June 2020)

▪️All of the public service will return to work with elements of flexitime where possible.

▪️All private sector construction may recommence at that time.

▪️Consideration will be made for public transportation to resume to 75 percent.

▪️These undermentioned phases will include the reopening of the following:

▪️Phase 4: The reopening of malls and beaches

▪️Phase 5: The reopening of cinemas.

▪️Phase 6: The reopening of the country’s borders.