MP wife presents hampers to first born at new Point Fortin Hospital


A gift from the wife of the Member of Parliament for Point Fortin Mrs. Sade Richards to the first three mothers who gives birth at the new Point Fortin hospital

This morning Mrs. Richards presented the gifts to mothers who first gave birth in the new Point Fortin hospital

The first woman to give birth at the hospital was Ms. Nichelle Roberts. She gave birth to her baby boy at 1.45am on Wednesday morning. At birth the baby weighted in at 3.27kg

southsidenewstt was told her baby will be named Tariq

The second to give birth was Ms. Marlene Lewis who has given birth to a baby girl at 5.37am; the weight was 3.782kg and the third born was to Ms. Crystal St. Bernard, a boy weight 3.7kg he came into the world at 10.54am

Southsidenewstt joins Mrs. Richards in congratulating the mothers and the staff of the hospital on this momentous and joyful happening.