Heritage provide seedling to the Communities


Heritage Petroleum has distributed over four thousand seedlings to 400 hundred households as part of the Company’s initiative here we grow, speaking at this morning’s distribution Heritage CEO Ms Arlene Chow says, the indicative falls within a wider food security issues.

She went on to stress the importance of food security . We want to do our part to help families sustain themselves, especially in this hard time. When I grew up it was a way of life I would pick whatever was available in our garden for dinner.

Under the here we grow initiative each household will receive seedlings, which among will include corn, pigeon-peas, kale, patchoi, tomato, ochro, cabbage, eggplant, sweet pepper and sorrel.

Member of Parliament for La Brea Ms Nicole Olivierre received 1000 seedling for distribution to her Constituents and expressed her gratitude. She said many of us would have grown up hearing that in life, ‘Reap what we Sow.’ and I was reminded of this today as I thought about this life-giving initiatives

She Implores all resident to rise to the occasion and utilize the gesture to effect meaningful change in their home and community life. It is my wish that as these seedlings donated grows, the culture and fabric of our constituency grows with it.

The other three thousand seedlings were collected at Heritage compound in Santa Flora by several Councillors of Siparia Regional Corporation. The Councillor will distribute the seedling packages to members of their communities who will benefit the most from the initiative.