Brother and Sister killed in California


Double murder in couva, Police report says Around 5:30 am today Ann Chitbahal 47 years old was at home at lp 121 Sand Road Windsor Road California was at home when she opened her door to go outside when she was accused by a man wearing dark clothing with his face cover with a bandana he pushed her back inside her house whilst in the process, two other men similarly dressed entered the house armed with firearm one of the man asked is she ware the only person in the house is reported said yes he then fired one shot that her hitting her, killing her instantly Vishane Childhal was 25yrs a sales clerk of the said address on hearing the commotion it is reported her brother Vishal Chitbahal 25 an auto electrician came outside and was shot on the left side of her chest the assailant made good their escape in a white AD wagon Vishanie died on the spot Vishal was rush to the Couva Health Facility by his relative where he died undergoing treatment. The district medical officer ordered the removal to the Forensic medical centre. Officers from regional three homicide are continuing investigation